Welcome to my portfolio! Here you will be able to see what I know and enjoy doing.
The life of Nelson
This is one of the first videos I did where I felt proud of myself. I used different elements to create the video. Such as background music, voice over, and different locations. I also made the script and I felt like it fit the video well with its sarcastic nature and my voice.
NWTC ads 
I was asked to create two ads for NWTC. In each ad, I used voice-over with a script I was given by my client. Then I used the b-roll to put the ad together.
Photoshop is one of the first things I learned when I was getting into digital media. I use photoshop in almost all my projects. In the first image, I made a movie poster and had to use different layers and masks to get everything looking just right. For the other one, a client asked me to color their black and wight image. They had colors already picked out so I had to select and mask the individual objects in the photo and recolor them.
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